What is the meaning / definition of Revenue Management Dashboard in the hospitality industry?

The term Revenue Management Dashboard, refers to the graphical user interface that is able to provide a at-a-glance view of key performance indicators (KPIs) relevant to business processes. Sometimes the phrase dashboard also refers to “Progress Reports”.

Todayโ€™s best-in-class Revenue Management System = (RMS) display data in a dashboard format to provide users with quick insight into their historical and future business performance. The dashboard allows you insights into key data needed to assess your hotelโ€™s health and help drive revenue decisions for your properties.

Depending on the dashboard, it may include calendar views with heat maps that visually identify upcoming dates with high or low occupancy levels. This makes it easy to spot any date ranges that need extra attention or investigation with a quick glance. General managers can benefit from checking here for daily occupancy checks and sales managers often reference this in conjunction with incoming group accommodation requests.

Navigating through an insightful and interactive RMS dashboard equips core members of hotel operational teams with the key revenue management insights they need to integrate revenue management strategies into their own department processes.

See also:

  • Revenue Management

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