Independent Hotels in Europe Report Strong Q1 2012
The independent hotel portfolio of Xotels reports strong REVPAR results for the first quarter of 2012. Both January and March showd growth across the board, where February more or less flat vs. 2011. The forecast for Q2 2012 is very promising and looks to bring us record revenues.
‘In the aftemath of the European debth crisis the hotel market in Europe is recovering well. Both our city and resort hotels are showing quite positive signs. It seems both leisure and business travel is definitely rebouding. We are seeing a significant increase in the number of corporate group requests.โ Patrick Landman, co-founder and CEO of Xotels comments.
‘In Amsterdam we recorded a 10% REVPAR growth in the first quarter of 2012, and 5% in Maastricht, also in the Netherlands. Brussels, Belgium is also showing good results. Records were achieve at the Pantone with a 16% REVPAR increase in January and 12% at the ST Nicolas Hotel in March.’ Remko West, co-founder and COO of Xotels adds.
‘The Grand Teguise in Lanzarote where we ran 86,5% occupancy last year, increased to 89,5% in 2012, resulting in a 2,7% REVPAR increase. This is mainly due to the growth in room sales in January.’ Patrick notes.
He continues, ‘Q2 is looking very exciting. We are forecasting some record growth numbers above 20% REVPAR increase in May for certain properties. We are now focussing on our summer and fall strategies and rolling out our demand calendars for Q1 2013.’
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About the Author:
As CEO and Founder of XOTELS, Patrick Landman has made it his mission to turn hotels and resorts into local market leaders. XOTELSยด diverse expertise and deep-knowledge across revenue management consulting, hotel management, and hotel consulting, enables us to drive results for independent boutique hotels, luxury resorts, and innovative lodging concepts. Below you will find opinion articles written by Patrick Landman.